Drag limiter
Limiting drag handler plugin (not tested much yet)
var s = Snap("#svgout");
s.attr({ viewBox: "0 0 100 100" });
(function() {
Snap.plugin( function( Snap, Element, Paper, global ) {
Element.prototype.limitDrag = function( params ) {
this.data('minx', params.minx ); this.data('miny', params.miny );
this.data('maxx', params.maxx ); this.data('maxy', params.maxy );
this.data('x', params.x ); this.data('y', params.y );
this.data('ibb', this.getBBox() );
this.data('ot', this.transform().local );
this.drag( limitMoveDrag, limitStartDrag );
return this;
// this code is old and clunky now, and transform possibly in wrong order, so only use for simple cases
function limitMoveDrag( dx, dy ) {
var tdx, tdy;
var sInvMatrix = this.transform().globalMatrix.invert();
sInvMatrix.e = sInvMatrix.f = 0;
tdx = sInvMatrix.x( dx,dy ); tdy = sInvMatrix.y( dx,dy );
this.data('x', +this.data('ox') + tdx);
this.data('y', +this.data('oy') + tdy);
if( this.data('x') > this.data('maxx') - this.data('ibb').width )
{ this.data('x', this.data('maxx') - this.data('ibb').width ) };
if( this.data('y') > this.data('maxy') - this.data('ibb').height )
{ this.data('y', this.data('maxy') - this.data('ibb').height ) };
if( this.data('x') < this.data('minx') ) { this.data('x', this.data('minx') ) };
if( this.data('y') < this.data('miny') ) { this.data('y', this.data('miny') ) };
this.transform( this.data('ot') + "t" + [ this.data('x'), this.data('y') ] );
function limitStartDrag( x, y, ev ) {
this.data('ox', this.data('x')); this.data('oy', this.data('y'));
var myCircle2 = s.circle(20,20,20).attr({ fill: 'blue' }).limitDrag({ x: 0, y: 0, minx: 0, miny: 0, maxx: 100, maxy: 100 });
var myRect = s.rect(0,0,30,30).attr({ fill: 'yellow' }).limitDrag({ x: 0, y: 0, minx: 0, miny: 0, maxx: 100, maxy: 100 });
var corner1 = s.circle(0,0,2);
var corner2 = s.circle(100,100,2);